Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Gratitude and Loss

Thoughts of God, thoughts of gratitude go together. Every day a roof to shelter me, central heat, physical warmth - a reminder to seek the Center for soul warmth as well, for teeth to chew the delightful texture of food, for shoes, always something to find, pause and consider with awe and simple thanks.

Coldness and ingratitude, each a terrible thing. A cold soul seems as if it must shrivel the organs, distort one’s being. I’ve seen serenity on the face of homeless people and seen frigidity and yes even fear on the faces of the rich.

Faces say a lot, happy clown, sad clown. I know from counseling people with depression that gratitude brings a sweetness that shows and stirs deep.

My first thought this day wasn’t of gratitude but of loss, fear I left my treasured little red Bible at the last resort I stayed at. Before I started writing I searched everywhere in my new lodgings. Losses disturb me, pieces of something that touched me, my life, left behind never to be enjoyed again.

I finally stopped searching, soul-seared, after all it’s only a thing I object to mislaying and forgetting, I have Scripture of value in my heart and another book can be purchased, thank God for the means – and now someone else may be blessed I pray with this pretty little Bible.

I consider the greater loss, will there be a soul shown into hell today and how sad the loss to God and to the community of faith.

What might be said to a frigid face I meet this day to point them to gratitude, to God, to their place in heaven?
Micah 6:8
“…what is good and what the Lord requires of you:
Only to act justly,
To love faithfulness, and to walk humbly with your God.”

Breathless Devotionals published by Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas - more thoughts about God. Be blessed.

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