Tuesday, May 29, 2012


A quote by G. K. Chesterton that I don’t want said of me is, “You Christians have such an extraordinary faith, yet you lead such ordinary lives.”
Ordinary, no way! I want my life to be extraordinary, don’t you?
When we receive the Holy Spirit we experience the indwelling Christ within us.  We are wired to thrive by the power of the Holy Spirit.
You’ve heard this numerous times but have you "hearted" it,  made it a live by this forever truth? 
Does it permeate your thinking?
We're supernatural beings, living within a natural plane of existence. Yes, supernatural, in the image of our supernatural God. What does that mean?
God has given each of us gifts through the generosity of His Spirit that enable us to live lives of impossibility - deep-rooted peace, joy, whatever our circumstances.
I have a recollection of not knowing the Lord, many memories of living a less than happy life because I was ignorant of His principles for me that would have brought me better balance and joy. And sad to say I have some memories of ignoring Him in little ways, and some big ways.
Colossians Chapter 3 is so foundational.  Christ followers are to be fully alive like Christ, we are to know the whole truth and tell it in love.  Christ's breath and blood flow through us. 
There are countless opportunities to live the kind of life God calls us to.

We live in an imperfect world but needn’t be dragged down by it. We may experience pain in cold, cruel situations of sickness or loss, but we are NEVER alone or without hope. We sense our beautiful, tender, good God in the midst of whatever we walk through.
God promises, God delivers. He will supply all our needs as we place our trust in Him. In addition we help one another enhance faith as we connect with others who treasure God as well.
Our extraordinary life is not restricted by the limitations of earth. 
As a Christian counselor/author I’ve worked with pastors of various denominations Episcopal, Catholic, Charismatic, Evangelical, Lutheran, etc.  They all profess the extraordinary power the presence of Jesus makes in a life. Catholics start prayers with “In the name of the Father, and of the Son and the Holy Spirit,” Protestants end their prayers with “In the name of Jesus.” Same recognition of the power of our amazing God inflaming the faith of the body in living action.
The body of true believers is very important to God. But even more important is every individual living a life of extraordinary faith exuding His joy.
God's not into ordinary, are you?

To enrich your prayer life, order Breathless Devotionals for Connecting Your Heart With God’s @ amazon.com by Judith Rolfs available on Kindle or Nook.

Colossians 3:1-2: 
"So if you're serious about living this new resurrection life with Christ, act like it. Pursue the things over which Christ presides. Don't shuffle along, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you. Look up, and be alert to what is going on around Christ—that's where the action is. See things from his perspective." Quoted from The Message Bible

Thursday, May 17, 2012

A happy, harmonious home, isn't that what all parents want? I wrote these rules on raising children to help parents know what expectations will help their developing children be content and responsible.  

21 Non-Negotiables for Raising Children

Dearest Children,

We’re privileged by God to parent you. Your good behavior is not negotiable, it’s an expectation, always essential and required. We choose to protect you from physical as well as emotional and spiritual danger by having you observe these non-negotiables. 

God created a world of order. Order and discipline are needed to participate in the world. Self-will doesn’t rule in our home or in life. There is to be order within your hearts and within our home. Emotions as well as behaviors must be in order.

You’ll be stretched to observe these 21 rules at times, but you’ll feel content and satisfied when you do. Best of all God will be pleased when you live by these godly principles which are all based on obedience and love.

We’ll discuss these 21 Non-Negotiables with you when you sit at the table, when you go to bed at night, and we'll post them in our home. Deut. 4:6.

1. When you receive discipline know that its source is our love for you. We will not allow you to be a brat.

2. You will not be allowed to shame yourself or our family by bad behavior if we can prevent it.

3. Getting your way is unacceptable if it differs from our way or God’s way. Also excuses or lying are equally forbidden. You will be truthful at all times.

4. Being selfish and self-centered is not acceptable; it won’t win you friends but a humble and generous spirit will serve you well.

5. Food will not be used as a reward for good behavior.

6. You’ll eat the healthy foods prepared for family meals without discussion or silently prepare a bowl of cereal for yourself.

7. Prompt disciplinary action can be expected for any deviation from these non-negotiables. No need to be surprised or complain.

8. Treat your possessions and those of the family with respect or they’ll be removed from your use.

9. Keeping your room in order is essential.

10. Work diligently and obediently in school.

11. Complaining shows lack of gratitude, which displeases God and parents.

12. Going to church/Sunday school with a cheerful demeanor and open mind is expected.

13. Giving eye contact when an adult speaks to you is a good habit that will benefit you all your life.

14. Be respectful and helpful to siblings at ALL times.

15. Reading and learning at home will happen in equal or greater proportion to time spent on computer/TV.

16. Choices are not negotiable when they’re bad. Bad choice is any choice that goes against parent’s wisely thought out desires or wishes.

17. You’re not going to be our friend until you are between the ages of eighteen or twenty-one. Being a parent differs from being a friend.

18. You’re expected to obey any person we place in authority over you.

19. Participate in keeping our home orderly by putting away anything you take out before taking out something else.

20. Know that you are precious and treasured, but you are a child and we are adults required by God to teach you and train you to be a responsible person.

21. Mom and Dad work all day. Our job is not to pamper you. Instead we will work together and play together as well as enjoy personal time to develop our own interests.

These 21 Rules are not beyond the ability of  5 and 6 year olds and work marvels with teens. Children are far smarter than adults realize and will be so much happier with set rules and firm, loving guidance than with being out of control.

“Let the little children come to me [Jesus], and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” Luke 18:15-17.

A Woman's Guide 52 Ways to Choose Happiness and Fulfillment  discusses more ways to nurture children.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Mary, Most Amazing

Mary, most amazing Mother of God. Were you scared when Jesus was born? How was it to touch Him? I mean I could barely handle my newborn first child without fear and awe, or the second or the third or the fourth. So fragile, so dependent, on ME. I wondered every time if it wasn’t a mistake for the Lord to entrust these lives to my shaky hands and way too imperfect soul.

Did you ever feel that, Mary? You who cared for God Himself with His tiny toes and fingers. How many times did your hands touch His, soothe Him to sleep, nurse Him. Were you overcome with wonder? Did you ever forget even a second that here was the living son of God placed into your responsibility?

Mary, was it always clear what to do next, I mean I’ve so often wondered if I was doing the right thing? Sending each of our sons and daughters to the best place to learn? If the sport they’d begun to play would help or hinder their development? I can only imagine decisions you made. What friends to encourage Jesus to keep, squelch, was carpentry the best use of Jesus’ gifts. Omigosh, dealing with the giftedness of God, what a thought!

Was your heart beating wildly when you left Egypt? Did you have that sense, I’ve known a few times in my life, that God’s hand was all over this, and you needed only show up and take the next step?

It seems you might have been frantic at times having charge of God Who created the universe and all that is within it in your midst. You were a human momma too, so you may have had times of trembling like me.

Thank you, 1000 times for being faithful, for living holy and passionate for God so that you would be the chosen one. For assuming confidence when perhaps you had little. You did it! You gave our Savior safety as long as you could. And you ravished Him with love, and He you, how easy that part would be, permeating all you did every day. I bet gratitude seeped into every moment. And awe.

But then being a Mom to any child of God is a mysterious, sacred undertaking. I thank God daily for trusting me and gracing me with His help that alone kept my knees from buckling at each new event of parenting. And now for allowing me to GrandMom seven more world-changing creations of His.

Thanks, Mary, most of all for walking with your child, Jesus, all the way to the cross and showing us to do the same for our children if necessary, loving them all the way. I so can’t wait to place my hand in Jesus.’ To touch His brow. To watch His smile spread over me.

Happy Mom’s day to Mary and my awesome earthly mom, my daughters, and sister and moms the whole world over who daily take up the challenge to spark these life buds assigned as our offspring and aim to glorify God through every exciting or humdrum moment. There’s nothing like being a mother. And praise to those who parent with total dedication the fruit from another womb as moms, teachers, nurses, neighbors. To touch the life of a child is to shape the universe itself. Aren’t we blessed! Happy, happy day!

Holiness undefinable,
Sweetness personified,
Instigator of miracles,
Model of dignity,
Inspiration worthy of honor.
Spiritual mother to the masses,
And holy Mother to me.
From Breathless Minute Meditations©Judith Rolfs

John 14:23 "If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word, and My Father will love him, 
and We will come to him and make Our home with him."