Thursday, February 13, 2025

Happy Valentine's Day

I miss my husband Wayne on Valentine’s Day, one of our favorite holidays, but my LOVE for family, friends and God remains huge. 


My love affair with God has deepened since I depend on Him totally to husband me. God has proved  so faithful. I sense His blessing in the fascinating people in my life, the beauty and intricacy of natural life around me, and the excitement of always finding new things to learn.


God is so real! Thoughts of love and gratitude mingle together. May you experience His love for you more this year than ever before.



Happy Valentine’s Day! 



How can we best respond to His amazing love?

“…Only to act justly, to love faithfulness, and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8


Fun day with my daughters at Sweetie's Tea Shop in Florida 

Writing News

This link will take you you my book A Widow's Love Story. Readers tell me it's beautiful and inspirational.
A Widow's Love Story I'm humbled to be a blessing to others on this journey.

About my new mystery, Mystery atWycham Manor, a reader messaged me this week: "It was great and holy cow do you know how to throw in  a twist at the end!" 

If your marriage isn't all you'd like it to be, check out the helpful tips on my Youtube channel: Judith Rolfs eapecially the ones about adding more zip to your relationship and the Intimacy Reviver.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Prayer and Mystery

Dear Family and Friends, 

I’ve been pondering the process of prayer. Wondering what your thoughts are?


My initial experience with prayer was as a teenager. I prayed for my mom to be healed from alcoholism - eventually she was in her 60s. Years later, during childbirth complications I prayed a prayer to help me through surgery and a near fatal disease, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13. It was the only Scripture I knew by heart at age 25. 


More recently, I prayed for my husband Wayne’s healing during his final illness. Wayne was 84 and his life had been full and rich. He’d used his gifts in amazing ways. I wavered between accepting the reality of the cycle of life and longing for Wayne’s healing from lung issues and heart issues and Covid. In some ways it didn’t seem right to ask for more of him. But I prayed Psalms 103 and Psalm 91 and I asked for his healing even though I knew that would block Wayne from the rewards of heaven he so clearly was ready for. My prayer wasn’t answered in my way, but God gave me peace knowing my husband is with Jesus now.


This doesn’t mean I believe any less in the power of prayer. Here are some principles I know are true. 


First of all, prayer works!  I have seen God do the miraculous. My book Love Always, Mom is about the miraculous healing of our son. Even his doctors stated that was a miracle. When you read about the workings of God I think you’ll believe prayer works too. And there have been other miracles I witnessed during my years of counseling. I watched God heal marriages that looked unsalvageable. So I shall always testify that prayer works well, but just not always according to our timetable or specific plan.


Secondly, prayer doesn’t have to be long or complicated. It can be short and simple -  but it does have to be heartfelt. My most common prayer these days is oh Jesus help and He does. 


Third, prayer has surprising offshoots. It not only draws us closer in our relationship with God but often the people around us benefit from knowing we’re praying for them. Prayer has no timetable - it’s a supernatural act and the working out of answers to prayer often happens in the supernatural realm before we see them actively on earth. 


Fourth,  prayer is a pleasure, not an obligation –I consider it a privilege as matriarch of our family. Prayer gives me the confidence to pull back from trying to do what I cannot do for my loved ones and trust God to do what only He can accomplish. In this way prayer becomes a pathway to peace. I cannot impose my time frame on God but I can make requests and then submit to His perfect plan in everything.


Fifth,  prayer language is a real option between me and God. Some people think praying in tongues is weird, but it’s an intense and awesome private way to pray when you find it difficult to put prayer into words. You may want to ask God to give you this simple, practical gift.


Probably the most important conclusion is pray as much as you can, whenever you can, because the results are amazing! I pray these thoughts bless you.




MYSTERY OF WYCHAM MANOR IS  available for early readers!

If you love a good mystery I guarantee you’ll find this intriguing!

 It’s definitely my favorite book thus far. 

By the way, I’d be grateful if you’d leave a review on amazon or Goodreads.

One thing I ask: please do not give away the unique plot.


The price on Amazon pre-official release is $10 

After April 12 it’s $15.95.