Tuesday, December 24, 2024

The Mystery of Christmas 2024

Dear Family and Friends,

The mystery of Christmas is before us again – ever new and ever old with our traditions.


The first Christmas was truly the world’s game-changer. We know this, not only in our head, but deep in our heart.


This Bethlehem babe, our beloved Jesus, became an adult victim, a cross-hanger who shed royal red blood for us. His blood purifies our own - symbolically yes, and really truly. 


Who needs a Savior, a Changer, a Better-maker? We do! Don't we all want to see with God’s eyes the beauty He forms in each soul and sense the radiance burst forth that’s locked inside us?  Without holiness and goodness we’re nothing. Who but Christ could make us what we need to be and deeply, unconsciously long to be?


People all around the world have had first-hand experience of this ManGod who changed their lives. They testify to no longer being the same after experiencing His supernatural presence and surrendering to His lordship.


The transformation of human nature begins with this birth we celebrate. Without Christ’s entrance into human reality, paradise was indeed forever lost. It’s now just beyond the veil of life.


Isn’t that why God came? So we can love out the beauty in one another. And smother the sinfulness of pride and end the self-absorption that seeks to crawl all over us. Isn’t it preposterous that one man, one life, one Supernatural wonder-worker entered the world to redeem us?


Jesus’ birth, dying and rising empowers each of us and gives deep meaning to gift-giving and loving without limits. How can we be gift-givers without recognizing the Giver of every good gift we’ve ever received? 


This Christmas may we meditate a bit on the mystery and wonder of this Christ-change in us. We who call ourselves Christ-ians have experienced newness in our lives. The peace that passes understanding is ours and doesn’t rest on circumstances like world peace. Peace that floods my heart and yours with contentment because we follow this Baby-Become-Man-Become King of Glory.


Christmas represents the beginning of this greatest mystery and change event in humankind. Weird, but oh so wonderful. Like you, I treasure most of all my family times when I can be with my adult children, grown-up grandchildren, great-grands and connections with precious friends – both new and old - in my life.


All the shopping and wrapping and hanging the holly is done. Now it’s time to remember it’s not just a home we decorated but our lives. It’s not just gifts we give, but love that springs from Jesus, its source. 


Dear family and friends, may you have a Jesus-filled Christmas – the best ever!



I continue writing and speaking about biblical principles for raising families and God’s miracles in our lives.

My new book is due soon, a Christian mystery novel. Mystery at Wycham Manor is in cover design right now. It’s my favorite project thus far.

May I recommend JESUS TIME, 365 LOVE NOTES OF WONDER & WORSHIP for your daily devotional this year.  

AVAILABLE AT ANGELUS GIFT in Walworth, Wi and through Amazon.

"Trust God at all times, pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge." Psalm 62:8