Sunday, August 25, 2024

Suffering Is A Mystery

A Mystery


I cannot know the challenging things you’re going through. But I do know intimately the God Who loves you and me. I believe He always has a loving purpose in what He allows in our life, even the tough stuff, and suffering is never for nothing. 


Still, I often wonder why I don’t get what I want, when my desires seem truly good. Like restoring the health of a loved one. I consider this a mystery, because I know God’s on our side. So why don’t good things always happen?


Suffering is truly mysterious. I have friends who suffer with adult bipolar children who cause chaos in their lives, another friend has been lying in a nursing home for years - a vibrant, lovely woman who loved to dance and laugh. My dear friend Heather recently had her full-term granddaughter born to heaven.


I don’t understand this mystery of pain, suffering and death. I only know that it is very real and I have come to accept it as an inevitable part of life. But, amazingly, I’ve learned that I can trust God despite this.


For two years now I’ve suffered from the death of my spouse. I’ve recorded this in my latest book, A Widow’s Love Story, available now on Amazon. I write very honestly of my suffering with the hopes that my story can encourage others.


By the way, please know if your husband wasn’t as romantic as mine, that many men feel just as deeply what Wayne expressed, but may not display their love in the same way. 


I’m grateful for the continual evidence of God’s love for you and me despite our suffering. As we move from Alleluia August to Super September, may you experience His presence like never before.


“Who is like You, God? Though You have made me see troubles, many and bitter, You will restore my life again. From the depths of the Earth You will again bring me up. You will increase my honor and comfort me once more." Psalm 71:19–21