Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Today is the Day

Today is the day my friends. What a privilege we have in this amazing country of America to choose our leaders. If you haven't already done so please remember to vote. If you need a ride, call a friend or neighbor. 
I heard this slogan recently: Value your vote and vote your values. We all have a part to play in gifting our children and grandchildren with this precious government of the people, by the people and for the people.
Please join me in praying for godly men and women of integrity to be elected guardians of our precious country. May they legislate wisely for the good of every American.

Cumberland Falls in Tennessee.  
Our friend Becky took this picture. We enjoyed a special time with six other couples in Heather and Pat's huge, lovely mountain home in the Smoky Mountains last week. Fun, fellowship & prayer.


Almost time to start Christmas shopping! May I suggest one of my Fantastic Family themed books for everyone on your list. You’ll find uplifting reading material for children and adults – kid’s fantasy books, devotionals, my murder Mysteries with a Message including my latest The Windemere AffairHere is the link to my amazon author page: 

My husband Wayne also has a super family book for Dads and Moms to use in family devotions Thoughts For Today, Words for Tomorrow. This is the link: https://www.amazon.com/Thoughts-Today-Words-Tomorrow-Wayne/dp/1722125322