Sunday, February 28, 2016

Living Out God’s Call

Our friends have not seen their adult daughter, their only child, their only son-in-law and four grandchildren for 540 days and recently spent ten days together in Mali, Africa. The pain of separation at times has been intense but they have an assurance that their daughter and son-in-law have been called to serve God in a foreign country teaching Muslims about Jesus. These friends, too, were called many years ago to be missionaries in Haiti.

I can easily imagine the quiet hum of their hearts when they breathed the same air again and celebrated being united. I often experience this deep joy when I’m with family members I love.

God’s call upon each of our lives is fascinating. I feel God has called me to write. We leave our family for several months during the winter and I focus intently on my writing. I miss them very much, but I believe I am honoring God’s intention for me. (Yes I also enjoy being in a warmer climate.)

My husband Wayne feels called to pray for the needs of others and to bring smiles and happiness to strangers. He spends a significant amount of his day doing this.

Some of our friends are called to serve in church or be active in politics or in the community socializing with people who benefit from their friendship.

I’ve learned that God’s call is not about accomplishment or visible impact from our efforts but about being faithful to God’s leading. Living out God’s call (direction) for our lives ALWAYS brings inner joy and peace – yet it can be QUITE challenging.

It’s usually during private, still time with God that we discern God’s call. His direction for us can change at any time. Mine has changed often. How about yours?

Romans 11:29 For God's gifts and His call are irrevocable.

Writing Update:
I'm celebrating completing the final edits with editor Paula Mowery this week for Never Tomorrow, my next mystery novel due out in May.  Each book is a team project. Wayne came up with this title! My publisher Prism Books will now begin the designing the cover. Can't wait to see it!