October is my birthday month which makes me nostalgic. What makes life so special is stopping to
ponder what was and looking with hope to the future. The more seasons my body
has seen, the more I have to reflect upon. At the moment I’m treasuring the summer
that’s been and anticipating the holidays to come. Time truly flies but I've learned we can slow it down and savor special moments.
For forty-some years now I’ve attempted to live in response
to the Holy Spirit’s nudges as a wife, mom, grandmom, and Christian counselor
and author commissioned to love and serve God’s people. What a fascinating
journey this has been.
Next week I’m presenting a parenting seminar to 40 parents
on Raising Successful Students and Happy Kids.
I’ll be telling them Happy Kids are holy kids who know they've been created for a purpose by Almighty God. Soon I’ll spend a week in the Blue Ridge Mountains with
Wayne hiking and attending a novelist’s retreat. Then a visit to see loved ones
in Florida. Yes, life is awesome!
In between my editing continues for Never Tomorrow mystery to be released in January…
Wishing you happy autumn days filled with family fun, plump
pumpkins, warm apple cider and time to reflect.
This is a picture of the October family wedding of our son Dan and Stephanie 14 years ago. Can it be?
I found this Bible
verse with the word autumn in it - I like it. What do you think? "Rejoice, O people
of Jerusalem, rejoice in the Lord your God! For the rains he sends are tokens
of forgiveness. Once more the autumn
rains will come, as well as those of spring." Joel 2:23