What a privilege it’s been to be a marriage and family counselor for thirty years. My method has typically been to work with clients on three levels body, mind and spirit. We always examine spiritual issues. I focus on these because but often relationship, career or addiction problems are only a symptom of a deep spiritual emptiness.
For some clients my bringing up this topic is a huge surprise. They’ve never given much thought to the spiritual aspect of themselves. I may lighten the subject by asking, “Had a shower or bath recently? Read the newspaper? Great way to care for your body and your mind! What have you done for your spirit today or even this week or month?”
We have to get past the institutional religion roadblock. Often people have been hurt in church situations. God is not a religion, I explain, and I clarify that I don’t mean simply attending church an hour a week but conversation and connection with the living God. It’s amazing and gratifying to see the life transformations that happen when clients sincerely do this. My clients found these truths on their life quest when financial success and fame turns out to not give enough meaning to existence.
The truth is we all need to savor the personal presence of God. His gifts of unconditional love and eternal life can truly excite us. “If any man (or woman) be in Christ, (s)he is a new creation…”2 Cor. 5:17 Is there anything more cool than that!
Breathless Meditations can kick start your contemplation about our fascinating God. Booklets are available at www.judithrolfs.com