Sunday, September 22, 2024


 Happy September! 

September surprised us with its wonderful warmth as we transition into the beauty of fall. Seasons mystify me, each has aspects of beauty and of hardship as well, just like each of our lives.


With God’s help, I’m starting to adjust to my new, never-desired life as a widow. My book A Widow’s Love Story was released this month. It’s a tribute to Wayne and God. I hope it will help other widows deal with the raw pain and agony of living with half yourself gone. I’m grateful to all of you who have prayed for me during this incredibly hard time. 


This fall I’m starting to counsel a teen girls’ group at Agape House to help them to a new start. Also doing some high school substitute teaching at the awesome Faith Christian School. The students are delightful!ax


Excited that my new novel will be out for Christmas – Mystery at Wycham Manor. It’s in final editing.


Praying for you friends that God will give you opportunities to use your abilities to bring you joy every season!



Sept. 25th Christian Women’s Club luncheon at Hawk’s View Club, Lake Geneva – I’ve been invited to offer my books on marriage and families including my new A Widow’s Love Story and children’s mystery series Adventures of Tommy Smurlee for early Christmas shopping. 


Oct. 1st Walworth Library, Walworth, WI. Group discussion of my suspense novel Directive 99 very timely for today. 3:30 P.M. – 4:45 P.M. All readers of Directive 99, past and present are invited by the hostess Joyce Dreher.


Nov. 5th As election time approaches I urge you to prayerfully find a candidate who shares your view on the significance of human life. Not every woman knows that the healthiest thing a woman can do is to carry her baby full term. This benefits her for a lifetime - she will have less risk of multiple sclerosis, cancer, or depression. Plus fetal stem cells will stay in her body to provide organ health for her entire life (fetal microcheminism, one of God’s marvels). Of course no woman should keep an unwanted child but adoption is a life-affirming, super-satisfying act. If you’ve followed my blogs over the last 10 years you know that I am a strong advocate for life because I came incredibly close to having a doctor-ordered abortion to end the life of my fourth child Dan, due to hemorrhaging and near death during my third pregnancy. I refused abortion realizing that despite the risk there was no way I could kill my child. What a blessing my now fifty-year-son is! Below is his picture with his lovely wife Stephanie.


Isaiah 54:10 “Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed,
yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the Lord, who has compassion on you
. What a comfort this verse is!


Wishing you a joyful fall!