Sunday, September 22, 2024


 Happy September! 

September surprised us with its wonderful warmth as we transition into the beauty of fall. Seasons mystify me, each has aspects of beauty and of hardship as well, just like each of our lives.


With God’s help, I’m starting to adjust to my new, never-desired life as a widow. My book A Widow’s Love Story was released this month. It’s a tribute to Wayne and God. I hope it will help other widows deal with the raw pain and agony of living with half yourself gone. I’m grateful to all of you who have prayed for me during this incredibly hard time. 


This fall I’m starting to counsel a teen girls’ group at Agape House to help them to a new start. Also doing some high school substitute teaching at the awesome Faith Christian School. The students are delightful!ax


Excited that my new novel will be out for Christmas – Mystery at Wycham Manor. It’s in final editing.


Praying for you friends that God will give you opportunities to use your abilities to bring you joy every season!



Sept. 25th Christian Women’s Club luncheon at Hawk’s View Club, Lake Geneva – I’ve been invited to offer my books on marriage and families including my new A Widow’s Love Story and children’s mystery series Adventures of Tommy Smurlee for early Christmas shopping. 


Oct. 1st Walworth Library, Walworth, WI. Group discussion of my suspense novel Directive 99 very timely for today. 3:30 P.M. – 4:45 P.M. All readers of Directive 99, past and present are invited by the hostess Joyce Dreher.


Nov. 5th As election time approaches I urge you to prayerfully find a candidate who shares your view on the significance of human life. Not every woman knows that the healthiest thing a woman can do is to carry her baby full term. This benefits her for a lifetime - she will have less risk of multiple sclerosis, cancer, or depression. Plus fetal stem cells will stay in her body to provide organ health for her entire life (fetal microcheminism, one of God’s marvels). Of course no woman should keep an unwanted child but adoption is a life-affirming, super-satisfying act. If you’ve followed my blogs over the last 10 years you know that I am a strong advocate for life because I came incredibly close to having a doctor-ordered abortion to end the life of my fourth child Dan, due to hemorrhaging and near death during my third pregnancy. I refused abortion realizing that despite the risk there was no way I could kill my child. What a blessing my now fifty-year-son is! Below is his picture with his lovely wife Stephanie.


Isaiah 54:10 “Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed,
yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the Lord, who has compassion on you
. What a comfort this verse is!


Wishing you a joyful fall!

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Suffering Is A Mystery

A Mystery


I cannot know the challenging things you’re going through. But I do know intimately the God Who loves you and me. I believe He always has a loving purpose in what He allows in our life, even the tough stuff, and suffering is never for nothing. 


Still, I often wonder why I don’t get what I want, when my desires seem truly good. Like restoring the health of a loved one. I consider this a mystery, because I know God’s on our side. So why don’t good things always happen?


Suffering is truly mysterious. I have friends who suffer with adult bipolar children who cause chaos in their lives, another friend has been lying in a nursing home for years - a vibrant, lovely woman who loved to dance and laugh. My dear friend Heather recently had her full-term granddaughter born to heaven.


I don’t understand this mystery of pain, suffering and death. I only know that it is very real and I have come to accept it as an inevitable part of life. But, amazingly, I’ve learned that I can trust God despite this.


For two years now I’ve suffered from the death of my spouse. I’ve recorded this in my latest book, A Widow’s Love Story, available now on Amazon. I write very honestly of my suffering with the hopes that my story can encourage others.


By the way, please know if your husband wasn’t as romantic as mine, that many men feel just as deeply what Wayne expressed, but may not display their love in the same way. 


I’m grateful for the continual evidence of God’s love for you and me despite our suffering. As we move from Alleluia August to Super September, may you experience His presence like never before.


“Who is like You, God? Though You have made me see troubles, many and bitter, You will restore my life again. From the depths of the Earth You will again bring me up. You will increase my honor and comfort me once more." Psalm 71:19–21

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Memories and Prayers

Along with the addition of years to one’s life, comes the unanticipated gift of memories. One may pop up any moment, unexpectedly triggered by a scent or a scene. We may repaint some memories to make them prettier or uglier than they were, but a few can never change because they’re so vividly embedded in our souls.

I invited guests over for dessert, friends from church, and the house took on the glow I love when candles are lit, order is prevalent, and talk of God’s ways fills the air. My memory of the evening is sweet.

I awoke during the night with a different memory of another place – less comfy-cozy, but so sacred that it still makes me catch my breath - a hospital oncology floor with beds occupied by children enduring the unendurable and bedside chairs filled with moms and dads who love them, and would gladly change places. 

A few decades ago I was in such a place and I often think of this on holidays where every minute is a gift, and the world of worry over dollars is in the furthest recess of the mind. Every day of mine and our now-grown-son’s life is different because of the memory of what we lived through – to God be the glory! 

I appreciate God’s 2 A. M. reminder for me to pray and attempt to offer solace to those families engulfed in the mystery of suffering and healing especially on lovely spring days like Father's Day and Mother's Day.

Triumphing Over Cancer, A Patient’s Manual is my practical help for adults. Hey, I’ve Got Cancer, Here’s How You Can Help is the children’s version. Love Always, Mom is an amazing, heart-warming, true story of God’s miraculous healing of our son.

“Whatsoever things you ask in prayer, believe that you may receive.” Mark 11:24 

Ask with faith and leave the outcome to our sovereign God.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Happy Mother's Day!


Yesterday I had a wonderful opportunity to speak to about 30 young mothers at a Mothers of Preschoolers Event.

I don’t recall ever being in a place with so many little babies! The youngest was actually two weeks old and many of these moms had three or more children. I felt honored to be present with them because I believe they are the heroes among us. 

These moms daily sacrifice time and energy to care for the future movers and shakers of our world. And they most often do it selflessly and joyfully.

I talked about the chapters of our lives that women go through. I recalled when I was their age, I thought young motherhood would go on forever. It seems as if I blinked three times and my children were grown. 

Now these little children whom I raised with values like mine are among my very best friends on earth and the same goes for my grandchildren, who quickly became adults.  My most fun times are being with them.

I imagined what it must be like to be God watching us grow and develop over the decades of our lives - the delight He must take in us. I certainly enjoy watching the physical and spiritual development of my offspring. Yes, occasionally mistakes are made and that’s how we all earn forgiveness and compassion.
Being in the presence of these very special women, was a great prelude to Mother’s Day. I ended my talk sharing God’s big and little miracles in my life by  asking them to remember NOTHING. I had the word written on a poster for them. I mentioned three things about nothing that I’d like them to be mindful of.  

One - is “Nothing is impossible for God.” (Luke 1:37) 

Two - we can do nothing apart from God Who strengthens us.  “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)
Three - sometimes the most important thing we can do in our lives is nothing. I encouraged the women to take 15 minutes daily to sit and ponder what they’re experiencing in this chapter of life and let God whisper His words of love and guidance as they mindfully listen. “Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)

To you my  friends who are moms, grandmas, even great-grandmoms
 I salute you and celebrate you!
Writing Update:

To coincide with the Moms Event I made three of my ebooks through amazon FREE TODAY AND TOMORROW MAY 9TH. Please take advantage of this opportunity to download them to carry on your smartphone or IPAD.  

Go to amazon directly or through my website. Don’t use Kindle Unlimited. Purchase ebook after confirming price is 00.
Love Always, Mom is an inspiring true miracle story about our son.
Man in Command - How to Be A great Husband and Dad
Loving  Every Minute As A Wife & Mom
Love Always, Mom

Remember real angels are always among us.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Happy Easter!

 Happy, blessed holy, incomparable Easter!


Cross image from Israel

Dear Friends and Family,

How utterly amazing that the one and only God, the power force behind all that is, would love us without our “goodness” first earning His love. That He treasures each of us before we know Him seems incredible! 


Jesus was willing to enter this world with all its darkness and self-absorption to boldly declare “I LOVE YOU” . It’s taken me a lifetime to understand His love that endured crucifixion’s torture with poise so that death cannot keep us in graves.


The Resurrection, beyond doubt, is the greatest event that ever occurred in history.  Jesus entered our world as a Babe, became Teacher modeling the way of truth and love, and then our suffering Savior who set us free from fear and the consequences of sin. Not only was He human, but Divine, the one and only God. Through His Holy Spirit, He empowers us with hope to peacefully face any challenge. 


How do I know Christ rose and lives on? Because I see His Spirit work among us.


I recall that our amazing God recharged my husband’s heart during an Easter season eleven years go through the hands of a Jewish doctor, Gabi Silberman, and through marvels provided by drug companies who invested in medical research so Wayne could live on with a Pacemaker.


I recall the reality of Easter’s gift of peace of mind in Wayne as we entered that Florida emergency room. Wayne's prayer, he told me later, was: Whatever Lord You’ve planned is fine by me, altho I know my wife would like to have me around a little longer. (He had that right!!!) 


As we sat through that first night in intensive care, me in my rock-hard recliner, inches from his bed, holding hands through the bed bars watching pulse numbers, Wayne slept off and on between nurses’ attentiveness. His peace never faltered. Whatever the Lord had in mind…simply stated, he deeply believed. This is what I call Easter confidence.


Easter confidence in Wayne was not a wonder. My man started each day sitting calmly on the sofa reading the Bible. No fanfare, no hoopla, wherever we traveled, with friends, family or the two of us, he simply was attracted to absorbing more and more of God’s message to man.


By the way,  he could tell the funniest stories, was compassionate enough to get teary eyed in Les Mis, and couldn’t pass an infirm person without silently praying. He was a guy’s guy, wild about golf, his fishing trips to Canada. Yet he had that something extra because of Jesus - the deep joy that comes to God’s very own that God wants to give each of us.


I saw God’s power in Wayne’s renewed post-Pacemaker life for which I was deeply grateful, but also a reminder that His peace gift exists for us every day. It’s God’s present to the living described in one of my all-time favorite Scriptures:

 “…the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-8 


May the Easter peace that passes all understanding be yours every day!





Writing Update:

You can read some of Wayne’s stories for yourself in his bookThoughts-Today-Words-Tomorrow-Wayne/dp/1722125322 The paperback is currently onsale for $7.79 from $19.95 thru amazon prime. It’s a great coffee table book for your home or an Easter gift for the man in your house. 


I was blessed to have the Marion Citizen newspaper in Ocala, Florida  do an article about my work. This  link will take you there.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024


Valentine’s Day, our special twenty-four hour celebration  of love, has arrived. What a powerful four-letter word! And what an extraordinary force love is! 


On this Valentine’s Day I encourage you to make loving well your highest priority. Of course we send remembrances of cards, flowers, but it’s great to speak words of love all throughout the year. What a privilege to love people as we go through life - a spouse, parents, children, grandchildren, dear friends - their presence in our world brings deep joy.


The greatest Lover ever is our Creator and we’re made in His image. It’s His love we model when we tenderly treasure one another. We cannot “over love” by its true definition, which is caring for the welfare of your beloved even more than your own. This mean no smothering love but freeing love, respecting your loved one and urging him or her on to become the best person possible. Love is fuel to help you survive and thrive no matter what happens around you. 


The truth is my heart will always long for my 60-year-plus love affair with my husband, Wayne, even though my soul knows I cannot see him again on earth. I’m never completely without the desire to return to my former married life. Yet, I have a God-given incentive to pursue new experiences. I pray for the gift of holy laughter again. I always taught the people I counseled that God wants us to rejoice in Him no matter what. We are to live with joy and serenity and clothe ourselves with kindness and compassion, so I try. As I look for a plus in my husband’s departure, I can see one glowing in the darkness: my love for God, my intimacy with him has become ever greater. 


When I’m in church, and see in a row ahead of me a man put his arm around his wife or a couple holding hands as they walk in, it makes me happy, not sad. For a couple seconds, as I see their tender touch, I recall the love I had. Marriage is finding another imperfect being to join with in your imperfection, and allowing God to perfect the two of you. This can only happen when God is central in your life. Always He is to be our greatest love! 


Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you lovers whose life is blessed as mine is today by memories of love, and to those who are praying for their future to find someone to bestow their love upon, and for those who are in the midst of a precious union, celebrate moment by moment your love! 


Happy Valentine’s Day to God the Father, Jesus His Son and the Holy Spirit!

And Happy Valentine’s Day to you my friend.


1 Corinthians 13:13 “So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three, but the greatest of these is love.”



To give your marital love a boost, please check out my Intimacy Reviver free on my YouTube page (JudithRolfs). It will enrich your love affair whether you’ve been married one month or 50 years. This simple communication tool can strengthen the bond between you. 


To become ever more intimate with God consider using my Jesus Time 365 Love Notes of Wonder and Worship, devotionals for your daily prayer. I wrote them for readers to draw into greater intimacy with God. A reader recently sent me this message, “I’m currently using this as my devotional for the third year. Daily I find new nuggets to bless me.”


I’m excited to say that I’ve resumed my writing again, and am nearing completion of my next mystery novel. It has many twists and turn and is set in England and Scotland. I’m eager for you to read it. Also, I’m working on a grief book to help those who, like me, have lost a beloved spouse. I appreciate your prayers that these projects will honor God and bless readers.

For more information on my books, blogs and videos visit:


Friday, December 22, 2023

A Perfect Gift

 A Perfect Gift

I have a stack of gifts around me waiting to be wrapped, but I’m stopped by a thought that hits me like a thunderbolt. What gift have I selected to give Jesus this year? 

If I were one of the three kings, what would I be bringing?

The only gift I can think of that might be of value is my gift of acceptance – living each remaining day of my life fully aware of its challenges, but with total acceptance of God's will. 

Is acceptance what Jesus pondered in that Gethsemane garden 33 years from his birth when He willingly embraced the cross that was his destiny? Didn’t He offer the father His gift of total acceptance? How well Jesus modeled this for me and you!

Often we must live with things that cannot be changed. What sweetness comes when we offer Jesus our gift of acceptance. This requires courage, because often what must be accepted is truly quite hard, like living without my beloved husband. Yet, whatever has happened to me, I choose to embrace because Almighty God has allowed it. 


Perhaps you have situations in your life you need to accept also because they are unchangeable. Amazingly, when we give Jesus this gift of acceptance, as is His customary style, He gifts us back with far more than we give. 


Acceptance brings gifts of serenity, hope and peace, priceless treasures that don’t fit beneath the tree, but remain with us wherever we go. 

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” Romans 15:13


Merry Christmas to you dear family and friends. 

Merry Christmas, Jesus!

May this be your holiest and happiest Christmas ever!

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Christmas Light

The Light


Remembering a Christmas long ago. How dark my life was and how empty although materially rich. I was seeking truth and illumination about the significance and purpose of my life. 


My path was often dark because I couldn’t find meaning in the ordinary things of this world. Something in my spirit sensed there must be more and I found my more in Christ. His never-ending light and love go hand-in-hand. When I live in His light, I know love. It’s all very natural and yet mystical at the same time. I know my Lord, the giver of light, is my supreme giver of love.


I better understand the celebration of Christmas, too, as the light of Christ entered the world.


His light has never been extinguished through many seasons and trials since. It’s the light that has illuminated my path when there was no other brightness. Yes, I’ve known sadness, and pain during many seasons since, but it cannot quench my brightness, unless I allow it and I refuse. Darkness has no power.


No wonder I love the light of Christ. This season I remind myself when I turn on a light switch to be thankful that Christ is the light of my world and the light of the entire world. Christmas is all about light.


I remember that Christ’s light could never be put out, even though the world tried in countless ways. As I age, it seems like the light grows brighter - maybe it’s simply that I’m ever more deeply attracted.


I love seeing all the outdoor lights twisted over houses and trees. I wonder what the brightness of light is like in heaven where my husband dwells. What kind of illumination is he experiencing? I so look forward to the time when I can communicate with him directly again. I miss our conversations so very much!


No matter how many more sunrises God plans for me to experience, I will proclaim always that He is the light. I am privileged to have Him shine upon me, so that I may reflect His light in my tiny sphere of existence for others. 


Yes, in my own small way, and in yours, we can be light-bringers, light-bearers. It’s such a privilege to be a light-bearer and to give witness to the light that is always among us. When we focus on the light, our anxieties drift away. Darkness and light cannot coexist. 


May this Christmas season be your brightest ever!


“When Jesus spoke again to the people, He said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.’” John 8:12


 “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness cannot overcome it.” John 1:5


 “You, LORD, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light.” Psalm 18:28 


 “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 


Whether it’s cookie baking for friends, having a Christmas tea, helping children learn songs for a nativity pageant, wrapping a gift with love, we can always be shining the light of Christ. 


Our light has a great purpose - to glorify God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit so that all may know. May we do so magnificently!


My author friend Becky Melby and I are having a pre-Christmas book sale event at Inspired Coffee – a wonderful coffee shop in Lake Geneva, great service, excellent coffee and other treats. It's tomorrow Wednesday Nov. 29 from 1-3 P. M. with a brief program. Writer Q & A and Christmas Tradition Tips from 1:30—2:00. Becky writes Christian inspirational romances. I’m honored to do this event with her. If you can't make it tomorrow my books are on amazon and at Angelus Gift shop in Walworth, WI.


Dec. 1st I’m privileged to attend a home group that is discussing my women’s book 52 Ways To Live, Love and Laugh As A Woman. I look forward to meeting these new ladies.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Changes in All of Life



God must think change is valuable because He allows us to experience so much! We see change in seasons, but truly all of life is about change. 


We have children and adjust to each new stage. In a blink they grow into adults. 


We reach the point where our body is strong and mature – and aging begins. Ecclesiastes tells us there is a season for everything. 


Actually, I feel like my entire life has been riding the winds of change. I know the Maker of the Winds, so I am not afraid to go where He takes me. I’m amazed at all the places, and fascinating people who have been on this journey with me - new ones joining all the time. 


Sometimes change is easy. At times it’s scary when those wind gusts are particularly strong. Like learning how to live without my beloved husband now. I long to be content, but often must pull my emotions along. It helps to keep the end of the ride in sight - our final great destination. 


Fortunately, we can trust that God’s in charge of change. Our role is simply to embrace what is good, true and beautiful, to look for it and treasure it. And choose contentment wherever the Maker of the Wind takes us.


Psalm 46:2 reminds us that God's unchanging and protective presence is real.  “Therefore we will not fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea.”







Speaking of change, I have a new website


No speaking events until spring but lots of writing time - hopefully to complete my grief book. 

I was on the phone recently while a friend ordered from amazon a copy of my suspense novel Directive 99. He linked the downloaded book to his Alexa which started reading aloud for me to hear. I didn’t know this was possible because Directive 99 not an Audible book (like my Bullet in the Night Mystery.) So I guess any of my books now can be heard on a device - if being “read to” works best for your lifestyle, you may want to try this out. 


Cold weather is a great time for an intriguing mystery. Angelus Gift Shop in Walworth carries all four of mine (so does Amazon but I highly recommend shopping locally whenever possible.) 


Wishing friends and family a snuggly, warm fall!


Sunday, September 10, 2023

Seconds Matter

 Dear Friends, 

I long for more sun-bright days to stroll the lake path and be nurtured in Lake Geneva’s shimmering beauty as I reflect upon life. And non-life. After a year I still feel the pain of losing the man whose very presence on earth gave me energy and purpose. How does one survive without the voice that brought love and laughter daily?


Only with God and you, dear family (pictured in this photo) and friends, am I sustained. How I wish you could be enough to brighten my soul as Wayne did. Yet you each give much-needed comfort and I am grateful. I wrote the thoughts below as I pondered the seconds of life Wayne and I shared.



Seconds Change A Life



The bright sun lights my world and I gasp at its beauty. The end of summer’s splendor explodes into seconds of awareness inside me.


It only takes a second to lift my thinking to God, take note of Him, and express my awe at His creation and provision.


Seconds are time enough for gratitude and instant prayers.


One second turns a thought into a prayer and turns a concern into a step toward a solution. 


Worries dissolve when directed to the Sunmaker, who forms solutions where none seemed apparent.


Nothing is more precious than seconds of recognition. I am finite. He is not.


I pause to speak aloud praise to my Lord for His acts of creation, in our world and inside me. 


Seconds move on unstoppable - my gratitude for each surges forth.


These seconds scattered throughout the day lift my attitude and change my life. 


I am restored by these seconds of awareness. God is here.


May we all be intentional about the use of our seconds today to glorify the One who gives them to us.






I will be at the Christian Women’s Connection in Lake Geneva Sept. 20th at Hawk’s View Golf Club and will have autographed books. For more info contact Anne at 262-607-6184.




Man in Command, 52 Ways To Be A great Husband and Dad


52 Ways To live, Love & Laugh As A Woman


God’s Near, Meditations To Inspire


"That you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God." Colossians 1:10-11.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Spring Splendor

 The Beauty of God’s Creation  

I’m feasting on the beauty of creation as nature explodes all around me. Buds turn into blooms right before my eyes. There’s a promise of new life everywhere and a reminder that death cannot prevail – a visible demonstration, lest I doubt. My Hosta that looked ever so dead fooled me again. Midst the clumps of mulch and decayed leaves from last winter they birth strong shoots into my garden universe. These forever-welcome guests have graced my garden for many years. Their constancy is so impressive. What a great reminder of Jesus, the One through whom all nature came into being and the One who sustains all life. How He deserves our praise for His faithfulness! 


Jesus is always available with power to comfort and I need His presence desperately. My risen husband is celebrating his first spring with the angels and saints and surely Wayne has adjusted to this change easier than me.


I trust God will continue to guide me while I remain earthbound. These past ten months I have learned that grief is incredibly deep and physical as well as emotional. Just when I think I’ve fully adjusted to my huge loss, I get blindsided by heavy sorrow again. I miss being queen of my man’s life presiding over his kingdom – our home and family. That’s a hard position to surrender. But I will, I can, with God. 


I’ve started writing again and sending out monthly Thoughts on Fun, Faith and Family like this. I’m more mindful than ever how difficult life can be at times. It’s never perfect for any of us. When one calamity is laid to rest another rises. With four children, seven grands and four great-grands prayer remains my most constant practice. My 12 year-old, one-eyed miracle dog Miles is my treasured companion. What a blessing he is!


I pray you are blessed by the beauty all around you. 

May it invite a deeper awareness of God’s presence within you.


Job 12: 7-10

“But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this?  In His hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.”


My Featured Book of the Month


My ebook Truth For Teens is on sale today through June 13th for .99.

Amazon Reviews: “The teen years can be rough and it is important to not feel alone and/or confused. This great book contains simple and helpful truths about everyday life situations! I encourage everyone to read this!”



Sunday, May 21, 2023

Staying Informed Matters...


Directive 99 is the fictional suspense novel I started to write the evening I returned from a debate at Lakeland Hospital in Elkhorn, WI on the pros and cons of assisted suicide. A doctor from Milwaukee had debated a member of the pro-death Hemlock Society. The argument was horrifying - basically that the elderly were becoming a burden to the young. Through Directive 99, in story form, I describe what would happen in families and society if this became legal. I wanted to move minds and hearts to oppose the threat.  

Sadly, ten of the United States now allow the evil of legal assisted suicide. At present there are pending laws in other states to expand this unbiblical end of life by personal choice. Assisted suicide is the whim of a society that does not respect the personhood of the ill and elderly and the desire of governments that don’t wish to provide financial support for them.
When we diminish respect for one group we diminish respect for all. The practice is dangerous and unethical.  Directive 99 describes the clash of values assisted suicide presents. Sadly, the book is as relevant today as when it was written. 

If you’d like to read Directive 99 you can get a print copy locally from Angelus Gift store in Walworth, WI or by order from amazon. But if you read e-books, I’ve arranged for the e-book to be free Monday, May 22nd and Tuesday, May 23rdDirective 99 can be downloaded free through amazon. You can read it on your I-phone or computer. 

I hope you’ll enjoy the romance and suspense in Directive 99 even as you acquire valuable concepts about the assisted suicide threat to all of us. Read Directive 99 and form your own opinion. Of course, also study what God‘s Word says - only the Creator of life knows when the purpose of one’s life has come to an end and He alone has the right to terminate it.
May Directive 99 help educate you in a memorable way so that you can become a voice speaking up for the life of our ill and elderly, as well as the unborn. 

Here are reviews of my novel Directive 99: 
“Great Read! This …could easily become reality in the not too distant future unless we are diligent enough to prevent it from happening.

“The story is so compelling that I had a difficult time putting it down once I started. It was almost scary how close to present day reality the story is.”
“Judith nails the gruesome possibility of government overreach and central planning gone crazy with a well written and compelling story.” 
“It's about the health care system and its implications for seniors. But there are other themes too, the couple's marital problems, having a career and family, religion and being true to oneself.”
Genesis 9:5-6: “For your lifeblood I will surely require a reckoning; of every beast I will require it and of man; of every man’s brother I will require the life of man. Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for God made man in his own image.”
I still struggle to define new life as a woman without my husband of 60 years. The problem is I loved my former life with Wayne. God continues to sustain me as I search for scriptures to strengthen my soul for this solo journey. You, my family, friends and readers have blessed me in countless ways with your message of support and your prayers. I’m forever grateful to you! As of this week, I’ve finally officially returned to work.
Today was my last day volunteering at Smiles. I’ve enjoyed assisting this excellent organization help handicapped individuals through equine therapy.

Happy spring with its sweet taste of summer!!!!!!!

Monday, May 15, 2023

Building Strong Families...

A Note for You  from Judith Rolfs

It seems appropriate the day after Mother's Day to think of the role moms have in the lives of their families. This ties in well with the passion of my life to help women [and men] build strong families. 

 I was the cover story on Lake Magazine's April edition in Lake Geneva. They describe my work writing for, counseling and speaking to families. I'm humbled,  honored and grateful to all those who have given me an opportunity through my words and YouTube channel to build into their lives these many years. 
I'm not sure you can enlarge and read the article below - I hope so -


For more information please check out my author page:

My thanks to the excellent editor of the Lake magazine Rachel Worland for featuring me.